Year: 2022



Today for water safety I made a google drawing about what to do and what not to do in a rip.  I shows you how to get out of one and also how to spot one.

The Baby Reindeers

One morning on the 20th of December,  6 year old Eve and 7 ½ year old Leo woke up bright and early at 6:00pm to find their Scout Elves Tinsel and Timber. After a few minutes of walking around trying to find them they noticed that they had covered the toilet in gift wrap. They kids were giggling so hard they started wheezing “Oh Tinsel… Oh Timber… you are the Funniest elves EVER!” Screamed Leo. “Hey Mu-mmmmmy guess what Tinsel and Timber did to-dayyyyyyyyy”.  

“Knock, Knock, Knock” ” Hey kids I think Dad is back from getting a Christmas tree… you better go help him get it inside” “OK!!!”. After half an hour of getting the Christmas tree set up it was time to decorate! Mum brought down the box of Christmas ornaments to hang up on the tree, as the kids were looking for special ornament each they found a book… not just a ordinary book one with a little girl in a forest filled with tiny  reindeer. “Moooom who is that little girl?” Asked Leo “Oh I remember that, I think it is you Dad’s grandmother… If you ask him he may read it to you” “Dadda can you please read it to us?” the both cheerfully said together. “What would you like me to… Ooooo I remember this book, my Gran used to read that to me all the time… I used to know this of by heart… let me see hmmm. Ok, cuddle in tight and I will sing you the story.”



For the past two week we have been learning about sound. We did three rotations around the teachers, we had two days with each teacher and each teacher taught us something different about sound and hearing. On the first day we would learn and on the second day we would do some experiments connected to sound.

The Ear

My groups first rotation was with Whaea Emma. We started with a game that taught us some stuff about how our ears work. One person would sit in the middle of a circle blindfolded and some people would say their name, then the person in the middle would have to guess where the person who called out their name was sitting. The further into the game we got the harder it got for the person in the middle because after a while they would have to cover one ear which made it harder for the ears to work. After that they would have to cover both ears which made it really hard, that taught us how important our ears are.

After that we had to label a diagram of your ear. The parts of your ears are The Pinna, Temporal Bone, Hammer, Anvil, Stirrup, Nerve, Cochlea, Eardrum and Eustachian Tube. On the second day we did an experiment. To do the experiment we needed a paper cup, plastic wrap, a rubber band and some raw rice. We made the paper cup, plastic wrap and rubber band into an eardrum, then we added some rice on the top and played an instrument over top. The rice represented sound hitting the eardrum and when we played the instrument over top, the rice made the eardrum vibrate like it does in your ear.

Hearing Sound

My Second rotation was with Urmi, we learnt about hearing sound. We learnt about the different types of sound like high and low pitch and soft and loud volume. We also learnt about onomatopoeia. That is when a sound is the same as a word like “Pop” or “Bang”. On the second day we made a harmonica. To make it you need two ice block sticks, One big rubber band, Two small rubber bands and two 5cm pieces of plastic straws. Once we put them together it made a harmonica. Everybody chose a tune to make using the harmonica I chose Jingle Bells.

How Sound Travels

My last rotation was with Nigel, we learnt about how sound travels. First we put all the steps into order of how sound travels into your ear. The way sound travels is that the particles that the sound has touched hit heaps of other particles until some of them go into your ear. After that Nigel showed us an experiment using a tuning fork and some water. He hit the tuning fork on the edge of then table and then lightly touched the water with it, after it touched the water the vibrations made a big splash. He also showed us how to do some more cool stuff like cup phones and spoon experiments.

My Tessellation

My Tessellation

For Maths over the last few weeks I have been making a tessellation. A tessellation is a picture made of shapes (Regular or Irregular) that has no overlaps or white spaces. I made a tessellation using the shapes Circles, Diamonds, Pentagons, Nonagons and rectangles.

Angle I-Movie

Angle I-Movie

For Maths Me and Isla made a I-Movie about different types of angles, they are Acute angles, Right angles, Obtuse angles, Straight angles, Round angles and Reflex angles. This is a I-Movie we made to help remember them.

My Digital Tessellation

My Digital Tessellation

A tessellation is a pattern with no gaps or overlaps for example a chess board or tiles. Today I made a digital tessellation on a google drawing using shapes. The shapes I used were suns, circles and collates. It is really easy to make, first I played around with some of the shapes until I found a design I liked, then I copied it until it filled the page.

3D Shapes

3D Shapes

For maths I made some 3D shapes out of tooth picks and blue tack. The shapes I made were a pentagonal prism and a tetrahedron. Some of the similarities  are:  They are both 3D and  they both have more than 5 vertices and sides. Some of the differences are: The pentagonal prism has a 90 degree angle and the tetrahedron does not, they have different amounts of sides and vertices and  the tetrahedron has 4 faces and the pentagonal prism has 7 faces.

The Girl In The Mist

The Girl In The Mist

As the wind rapidly blows on a brisk, chilly night 8 year old Leah lays distressed in her bed. She jumps as clashes of thunder and lightning smash her window repeatedly, she let out a anxious screech as a big bang, clash and rumble shatters her bedroom window. The sky turns red as a murky shadow grew right before her eyes, he stroked his razor sharp claws through her gorgeous locks of pure blonde hair as he whispered in her ear “My dear Poppy, you are exactly who I was looking for”. Then with a “BOOM” she was gone.

Ten years later: One night 8 year old Izzy was going on a walk at the beach with her best friend Poppy. They both really wanted to do this but they were both also a little afraid because it was 9:00pm when they left Izzy’s house. They gleefully skip down the silent and bitter beach until they hear a noise, not just any noise it sounded almost like a little girl about their age but… it definitely didn’t sound normal it sounded faint and spooky. At first it was a breathing sound but then they heard something way more scary, they heard a voice… a voice saying “Do you want to come play with me?”. The girls let out some intense wails and started to run but all of a sudden they were getting pulled back by the soul of a little girl.

My Harmonica

Today for science I made a harmonica with ice block sticks, straws and elastic bands. The way it works is that the air you are blowing in makes the rubber band vibrate and then the sound waves go into your ear, they hit your ear drum and continue through your ear until it gets to your nerve which send a message to your brain.