Year: 2023

Top Teams

Top Teams

Whilst the year 8’s were on camp, The year 7’s did a thing called top teams, We were put into teams and did 9 fun challenges competing to get the most points and be the top team. Some of the challenges, included egg and spoon races, Gumboot throwing and Sack races. After completing all 9 challenges, The 18 teams gathered up to announce the winner. My team ended up as second place.

2023 Reflection



I began this year as a year 6 moving into a new class after 3 years. Coming into Tangaroa on the first day was exciting, Yet a little bit nerve wracking. It felt new, it was weird being in a different classroom after all that time yet I was ready to have a fresh start, taking new opportunities and having different learning experiences.

Looking back at the past year, I am so proud of what I have accomplished. Some highlights from my first year in Tangaroa include camp, Winter sports and Choice and Challenge. I really enjoyed the new and memorable experiences brought by camp, Fun, Interesting activities from winter sport and interacting with some of the younger kids in school. 

My goals leading to next year include extending my knowledge through math and taking part in some new activities. I am looking forward to continuing my time in Tangaroa next year as a year 8 and hopefully being a Pediatrician in the future.

Preppy Smiley Face Wallpapers - Wallpaper Cave

How To Do Sidestroke

How To Practice Sidestroke

Swim Strokes

Practicing the scissor kick on land

1. lying on the floor on your left side.

2. Extend your left arm above your head.

3. Use your right arm for balance, Place it on the floor in front of your body.

4. Bend your knees to a 90 degree angle.

5. Kick each leg in an opposite direction.

6. Repeat four times on both sides.

Practicing arm motions on land

1.  Stand upright.

2. Extend the left arm above your head.

3.  Bend your arms at the elbows until your hands meet in the middle.

4. Return your arms to their starting position.

5. Repeat four times on both sides.

Putting the stroke together in the pool

1. Push off from the side of the pool.

2. Kick your legs out as your arms meet.

3. Bring your legs together as your arms extend back out.




Today for Literacy, The class made stories inspired ideas from writer Igniter, Our stories included a character, Situation, Prop, And setting. HERE is my story.

A Cabin In The Woods

A Cabin In The Woods


Recently for literacy, Sharon’s group has been working on making a sustainable and practical cabin design on Tinkercad.


Me and my buddy created a layout for our cabin on google slides before creating the 3D model on Tinkercad. Here is our layout design.

After making the layout we created our final design on Tinkercad, Here is our result.

Book Week Challenges

Book Week Challenges

This week in school is book week and for that, We have been doing some book week challenges. Some of which that I have chosen have been: Making a book title out of emojis, Designing a reading corner, Creating a cover for an autobiography about myself and creating a custom wordle based on my favourite book character. HERE is a link to my custom wordle.

Why Are Leaves Green Explanation

Why Are Leaves Green Explanation

While recently learning how to write explanations, I have written one about why leaves are green.  This week we were taught how explanation texts are non-fiction and describe how and why things happen.  After gathering some information I created an explanation based on my topic about why leaves are green, Click HERE to see my explanation.

Explanation Writing

Explanation Writing

Over the past few days we have been learning how to write explanation writings,We learnt that explanations are written to give an account of how and why things occur, Particularity in science and technology.

I chose to write about managing stress, I had to explain how to manage stress and anxiety at school, Explain relaxation techniques, Breathing exercises and seeking support from trusted friends or adults.

This is my explanation piece.

After writing my explanation, I had to do a self assessment and think of some goals. My goals are to use more present tense and subject specific nouns.

My Poem Journey

My Poem Journey

Over the last few weeks we have been doing some poetry. I found most of the poems pretty easy and fun because I enjoyed thinking of different rhyme schemes, Topics and illustrating  my poems.

This is an example of one of my poems that used alliteration, Alliteration is when a consonant sound is repeated in a sentence. The alliteration in this poem is “Buzzing behind is a buzzy bee

This is an example of another one of my poems, This one uses repetition, Repetition is when a word or phrase is repeated. The repetition in this poem is how the first and last verse in my narrative poem is the same yet a little bit changed.

Link To Poem

The next poem is an example of a Quatrain, A Quatrain poem is a four line poem that can either follow any rhyme scheme or none.

The next poem is a concrete poem, A concrete poem is a poem inside a shape that your poem is based about. It is also my favourite poem because it is based on rain and is made in a perfect drop shape.