Month: May 2023

Samoan Language Week

Samoan Language Week

This week is Samoan language week, To contribute to this, Over the next few days we will be doing some Samoan related activities. Today we had the choice to learn about either colours, Numbers, The alphabet or Samoan history. I chose to learn and make an animation about what the  colours in samoan are. Here is me and my friends animation:

Measurement- Linear & Area


Today for Maths we had to find the area, perimeter, labour cost, cost per square meter and GST  of a shape for a shade sail that was split into a rectangle and a triangle.

1, Find the area of shape 1 (Rectangle)

9 x 5

= 45 sq meters

2, Find the area of shape 2 (Triangle)

5 x 5

=25 ÷ 2

= 12.5 sq meters

3, Add together the are of shape 1 and 2 to find the total area

45 + 12.5

= 57.5 sq meters

4, Add together the length of each side to find the total perimeter

9 + 5 + 14 + 7

= 35 m

5, Find the cost of labour ($25.60 per hour for 4 hours)

4 x 25.60

= $102.4

6, Find the price of fabric ($8.95 per sq meter)

8.95 x 57.5

= $514.62

 7, Find the cost of labour + fabric

103.4 + 514.62

= $ 617.02

8, Find GST on its own

617.02 x 0.15

= $92.55

9, Total price with GST

617.02 + 92.55

= $709.57


Circumference and Area of a Circle

Circumference and Area of a Circle

Today for maths we measured two circles on the court with a 1m ruler. We had to find the overall area of the two circles. We measured the radius of the centre circle and the outside circle and then double them for the diameter of each one.

   Small:                  Big:

D: 84cm            D: 345cm

R:  42cm           R: 175cm

Then to find the circumference of each circle we had to times the Diameter by 3.14.

         C = π x D

         Small circumference:                           Big circumference

               3.14 x 84 = 263.7 cm2                      3.14 x 345 = 1083.3 cm2


To find the area

Small circle                       Large circle

π x r x r                              π x r x r

3.14 x 42 x 42                  3.14 x 175 x 175

= 5538.96 sq cm              =  96162.5 sq cm


Then we subtracted the area of the small circle from the large one to find the overall area.

96162.5 – 5538.96

= 90623.54 sq cm

Here is some more work I did  in class:


Visit By An Olympian

Visit By An Olympian

This morning Maddie Davidson visited our school, She is a trampoline gymnast that represents New Zealand. She competed in the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020 and placed in 10th for women. She told us about her journey towards being a trampolinist. She started when she was 7 and from then on that was what she did, She taught us about the 3 values they follow at the Olympic Games they are Excellence, Resilience and Friendship along with this she told us a few stories that she used the values in. She also showed us a few cool photos of Olympian village, That is where all the olympians live while competing.




Interest is when you keep your money in your bank account for 1 week and you get 5% added to your current amount of money, Every week you keep the money in your account you get 5% added. The easiest way to find 5%  is to move the amount of money one place left so if you had $100, 5% would be $10 because you are going from $100.00 to $10.00.



Today in Banqer we learned about credit. We chose a group to do the research in and then in those groups we choose somebody to write, On their Chromebook they wrote down what the answers to everything were… The things all looked up were: What is a Credit score?, What is a credit file or report and what is in it?, Does everybody in New Zealand have a credit score?, How do they work out what your credit score is?, Who can you use to find out what your credit score is?, Why is it important to have a good credit score and credit file / report?, Where can you see what your credit score is? 

This is everyones answers