Year: 2023

Circumference and Area of a Circle

Circumference and Area of a Circle

Today for maths we measured two circles on the court with a 1m ruler. We had to find the overall area of the two circles. We measured the radius of the centre circle and the outside circle and then double them for the diameter of each one.

   Small:                  Big:

D: 84cm            D: 345cm

R:  42cm           R: 175cm

Then to find the circumference of each circle we had to times the Diameter by 3.14.

         C = π x D

         Small circumference:                           Big circumference

               3.14 x 84 = 263.7 cm2                      3.14 x 345 = 1083.3 cm2


To find the area

Small circle                       Large circle

π x r x r                              π x r x r

3.14 x 42 x 42                  3.14 x 175 x 175

= 5538.96 sq cm              =  96162.5 sq cm


Then we subtracted the area of the small circle from the large one to find the overall area.

96162.5 – 5538.96

= 90623.54 sq cm

Here is some more work I did  in class:


Visit By An Olympian

Visit By An Olympian

This morning Maddie Davidson visited our school, She is a trampoline gymnast that represents New Zealand. She competed in the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020 and placed in 10th for women. She told us about her journey towards being a trampolinist. She started when she was 7 and from then on that was what she did, She taught us about the 3 values they follow at the Olympic Games they are Excellence, Resilience and Friendship along with this she told us a few stories that she used the values in. She also showed us a few cool photos of Olympian village, That is where all the olympians live while competing.




Interest is when you keep your money in your bank account for 1 week and you get 5% added to your current amount of money, Every week you keep the money in your account you get 5% added. The easiest way to find 5%  is to move the amount of money one place left so if you had $100, 5% would be $10 because you are going from $100.00 to $10.00.



Today in Banqer we learned about credit. We chose a group to do the research in and then in those groups we choose somebody to write, On their Chromebook they wrote down what the answers to everything were… The things all looked up were: What is a Credit score?, What is a credit file or report and what is in it?, Does everybody in New Zealand have a credit score?, How do they work out what your credit score is?, Who can you use to find out what your credit score is?, Why is it important to have a good credit score and credit file / report?, Where can you see what your credit score is? 

This is everyones answers 




Recently we have been learning about Kaitiakitanga and given an area to look after… Our area was Rapaura. For Inquiry me and 3 others have been making an I-Movie about how the kids can look after the playground. In our group were Addison, Amber, Aaliyah and Me, Addison and Amber were in the film and Me and Aaliyah were filming it. After filming all of the shots we went into a room and did voice overs. This is how it turned out.

Lending And Debt

Lending And Debt

Recently we have been learning about lending and debt, We learnt about 6 different types of payments. They were Credit Cards, Debit Cards, After Pay, Hire Purchase, Overdraft and Personal Loans.

Credit Cards: A Credit Card is a card when at the moment you pay you are using the banks money and you have to pay it back.

Debit Card: A card you can use to pay for things with your own money and you won’t have to pay it back to the bank, It is just like an eftpos card but you can also use it online.

After Pay: An After Pay is when you buy the item now and pay later,  An easy way to say this is buy now pay later.

Hire Purchase: A Hire Purchase is a little bit like After Pay but you can buy more expensive things but get bigger interest rates.

Over Draft: An Overdraft is when you spend more money than you actually have, For example if you buy something that costs $50 but you only have $40 you will go into overdraft and have  -$10 and the next time you get payed you might get $30 but the $10 of it will come out.

Personal Loan: A Personal Loan is when you get a loan from the bank but you have to pay it back.


Today we learnt about some more types of payments like bankruptcy, Interest Rate, Max Overdraft, And Unarranged Overdraft.

Max Overdraft: The maximum amount of money you are allowed to borrow.

Interest Rate:The rate which you are charged every week, This is a percentage of the overdraft balance every week.

Bankruptcy: Bankruptcy Is when you have no money left and cannot pay your debts.

Weekly Service Fee: A fee that you regularly pay to the bank for having an overdraft.

Unarranged Overdraft: When you spend more money than you have in your account.


Choice And Challenge

Choice And Challenge

For the past 2 weeks on Friday I have led Café Rāwhiti with Aaliyah, Addison, Sophie and Alexis. As soon as the kids arrived they kept saying things like “Can we start now?” And “I don’t wanna wash my hands!” But eventually we were ready to start. First we split the kids into groups of who wanted to start with pancakes and who wanted to start with milos; Then we started helping them make the food, I was helping with the pancakes.

We asked who wanted to start but then all the kids started saying “Can I go first”. After sorting that out we started helping them put in a tablespoon of flour, Then a teaspoon of sugar, Next a pinch of baking powder and lastly enough milk to make it runny. Now we asked them to line up so we could cook their pancakes; After we poured in the mixtures into the pan we asked them to go and rinse their bowls and spoons, Luckily none of the kids said “No”.

After all the cooking was done we played some games like heads down thumbs up with the kids to spend the last few minutes while the other groups started to finish. As the juniors went to break we made ourselves a pancake each and then started to clean up by washing, drying and putting away the dishes and wiping down the benches after this was done we could go to break.


In this piece of writing I have completed two goals, Using speech marks and semi-colons. I used the speech marks in part where people talked or in conversations and I used Semi colons when I had two parts in a sentence that could be on their own.

Green Sea Turtle Lifecycle

Green Sea Turtle Lifecycle 

  1. Firstly the baby green sea turtle hatches from its egg that is buried in the sand; It takes weeks for them to dig themselves out.
  2.  Now the young turtles will spend their first 5 years growing up in the open ocean. They like to live around sea grass beds and coral reefs where they can find lots of food; They like to eat jellyfish, seaweed, crabs, shrimp and worms.
  3. As they grow older, The sea turtles start to live closer to shore and become herbivores which means they mainly eat marine plants. The females are able to breed and lay eggs at around 25 years of age.
  4. Next they will start mating and migrating; The males fight each other to mate with a female, The winner will get the female pregnant.
  5. Lastly, After mating the female will drag herself back up the beach that she hatched from, Dig a hole and then lay her many eggs, After about two months of being laid the little eggs will hatch and the lifecycle will start over again.


Week 1 Refection

Week 1 Refection

This week has been my very first week in Tangaroa and being a year 7. It is very different in here as I have not moved class for three whole years. It has been a little bit hard trying to remember everyone’s names and start a new routine  but I think I have got the hang of it. So far we have done some fun activities with each of the kaiawhina teachers to get to know them, some of the activities were like drawing self portraits, learning about the treaty of waitangi, sport and doing line in the shape of our face. I also signed up to do surfing but to do so we had to swim 200 meters of the pool non stop, on the first day I could not complete it but I used resilience and tried again the next day and after a lot of swimming I did it. I also signed up to do office duty which means we answer the phone and help hurt kids. And that is how my first week in Tangaroa went.