Day: February 20, 2024

Persuasive Writing

Persuasive Writing

We are learning about persuasive writing, To make this paragraph I used facts and a rhetorical question.

Climate Change

Did you know that sea levels are rising faster than ever before?

Coal, oil, and gas are by far the largest contributors to climate change, and you can help reduce this, by using your car less often or reducing your energy use… because climate change can do bad things for the earth.

Putting Up A Tent: How To Guide

Putting Up A Tent: How To Guide 

First, begin with checking that you have all parts that you need to put the tent up (Pegs, poles etc). 

Then you should lay the tent out flat at your chosen location, making sure that the opening is facing the right way.

Next, get out the pegs and hammer them into the ground, making sure you are pulling the tent tight and putting them through the peg holes.

Now, you get out the poles, straighten them out/put them together, and put them through the dedicated holes (Shown on instructions, or with colours).

Pull the tent up, and secure the poles into the ground.

Lastly, attach the rain fly (If you have one), making sure it is also pulled tight and facing the right way, secure this into the ground using more pegs.