

In Maths the past two days we have been learning about measurement. Yesterday I learnt about measuring the volume of a shape, to find the volume of a shape you have to measure the width, length and height. Then you have to times the length and width after you have got the answer of that you times the answer by the hight and that would get you the volume of the shape.

Today we learnt about weight, some were milliliters, grams, liters, kilograms and tons. We had a sheet of paper we had to fill out about estimating (Guessing) the weight of stuff. First we had to try find 3 things we thought were 100g, I only had the time to do two, I chose 2 glue sticks and a pair of scissors. The glue sticks were very close to 100g they were 103g but the scissors were not even that close to 100g. Next we had to try estimate 3 thing we thought were 1kg on this one I also only did two I guessed a box with sign in rolls and a dictionary, the dictionary also wasn’t close but the roll box was exactly 1kg.

EA Words

EA Words

Today for literacy we have been learning EA words. We had to make a word cloud with all the EA words we could think of in a few minutes. This is what I made.

The Keyboard

The Keyboard 

As I woke up one dark foggy night I noticed a box on my desk, not just any box, a big one, big enough to fit a small sized dog inside but that wasn’t the problem. The problem was it was glowing brighter than the stars and sun. I was curious what was inside so I thought to myself  ” Can it wait to the morning?” No it couldn’t… what if a beast was in there wanting to take me for a quest? Now that would be cool! I got out of bed and slowly tip toed to the box. I opened it to find that inside there was a keyboard, not just any keyboard a limited edition one and it was GLOWING! As I connected it to my computer a message came up saying “From your hacker!” I gasped in humongous fear as I read the next text it said “Are you scared?” I said no because I didn’t know what was going to happen next but then it answered me, I didn’t know how it heard me but it said ” Well that means you know the person behind you right? ” As I turned around I saw that the door was open I thought that was the worst it could get until I saw it a gloomy black ghost staring right back at me! I SCREAMED as it sucked me into a portal leading to a almost pitch black sewer. As my feet touched the ground I felt a shiver up my spine… it was FREEZING! I slowly creeped down deeper hoping that I would find a way out and I was in luck, there was another portal this time gold! I stepped inside to find that I was in a palace not just any palace one themed like the keyboard… AND there was a big wall that said the hacker messages… all of a sudden a message came up saying ” Don’t worry it was just a JOKE! It’s me you’re long lost SISTER!” I screamed in delight I always wanted a sister!

Monday Mashup Nature Art

For Monday Mashup I chose to do Nature Art. I made a girl, what I needed to make it was lots of different leaves, stones, flowers and flower stalks. First step was to find a photo to copy, then collect your materials and lastly you make it. It was a little bit hard but also very fun.


Math Problem Strategies

Math Problem Strategies

This term in maths we have been learning about different ways to solve maths equations and how to flip the question from a subtraction to an addition or the other way around. I picked two of my favourite ways to solve a equation. Here is my working.

Communicating About Myself

Communicating About Myself

For inquiry my class is making a quilt, everybody in the class gets a piece of fabric made into 4 sections.

For the first section we had to communicate our flag, my flag is the New Zealand flag because most of my family is from New Zealand.

For the second section we had to do something to communicate our family, I did a tree with all the names of  the people in my household. I did a tree because I really like trees and it also kind of looks like a family tree.

For the third section we had to do something to communicate a place special to us, I did Little Akaloa because my batch is there.

For the final section we had to do something to communicate me, I did a lightbulb with tie dye colours and it said unique. I did the lightbulb because I have lots of ideas, the tie dye because I like tie dye and it said unique because I am unique.

The Wishing Tree

The Wishing Tree

As I was walking though the desert of Australia I came across a tree, not just any tree a wishing tree. Wishing trees are magical yet beautiful and mysterious and the population is about… one! I had just found the only wishing tree in the world, the tree had suspicious portal around it almost like a barrier guarding it from something. I was very curious so I stepped inside but nothing happened, the tree had a very fascinating design on it, almost like the curled icing on a cake so I touched it to see how it felt but all of a sudden I heard a bang then a rumble… I was falling down a hole!

The Hidden Temple

As I was walking though a forest I fell down a mysterious hole, at the bottom was a temple, a hidden temple. There were ancient trees overgrowing into the center and rusty old bricks making a pattern around the outside. As I walked further along I came to notice that the thousand year old concrete was cracking beneath my feet, I stop to take notice of my surroundings when I here the scurrying feet of rats. The mysterious rats ran into the main part… The temple, being extremely curious I followed along not knowing that soon I will be lost in an undiscovered place. After a while of following along I notice that i’m standing deep underground in a creepy pitch black tunnel, I sat on the side desperately trying to understand my defeat when I hear a wizard sounding wispier coming from deep  core of the tunnel.